Dental Social Media Advertising Services Pricing 2024

Social Media Ads For Dentists And How Much Does Advertising Cost

Table of Contents

Social media ads for dentists ?  In a world where social media is absolutely free and easy to use , why would somebody spend their money on dental social media advertising?

There is no denying that social media can make or break a company’s reputation. If done correctly, social media can prove to be the most powerful and influential tools to reach your potential patients,  engage with them and promote your dental practice.

On the other hand, if you fail to understand the power that social media platforms bring in, you may end up negatively positioning your dental business.

It is estimated that the dental industry is expected to increase bi-fold by the year 2025.  Therefore, it can be said that there are going to be a lot of teeth for the tooth fairies. Social media is not ‘nice’ for your dental business, but it is ‘must’ and this is where you need to think about dental social media advertising costs.

Ideally, a dental practitioner should aim at spending at least \$1000-\$2000 on paid ads in order to generate leads.  The breakdown of average spend is mentioned below:-

Facebook Ads– On an average, Facebook ads costs you $1-2 per click and the price may go as high as $5-10 for 1,000 impressions. It is worth noting that the average cost per click for a healthcare industry sits around $2.68. On the other hand, the average cost per click for a retail company is $1.72.  Hence, the cost per click is dependent on the competition that a particular industry faces.

Instagram Ads– The average cost of Instagram falls between $0.20 to $6.70. The cost per click lies between $0.20 to $2 per click. On the other hand, cost per impression may go upto $6.70 per 1000 impressions.

In order to survive the cut-throat competition of the market, a dental business owner should aim of spending a minimum of $1000 per month, which could go upto $3500 per month.

Important Fact- 74% of people use Social Media to Reach Their Buying Decisions

How Much Should Dentists Spend on Social media ads for dentists?

Popular social media platforms such as facebook have nearly 1.5 billion users already and the figures are growing constantly. Social media ads for dentists enable dentists to target their clients based on their interests, age and gender.  Not just this, you can also choose to show your ads to those who have visited your website or have expressed their interest in your services.

How Do You Set Up Your Budget for Social Media for Dentists?

Creating social media ads for your dental business can be daunting if you do not have prior experience in the field. But you can always reach out to the experts who have proven experience in the field to set up and manage your social media ads.

If this is the first time you are budgeting for social media ads for dentists, below-mentioned tips would certainly help.

  • The first step is to know what you want to accomplish. Do you want to increase appointments, increase followers or increase the awareness of your business among your targeted customers?
  • The next step is to choose the right audience for your ad. Choosing the right audience will help you achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. You can choose the audience for your ad based on the demographics, age, interests and gender.
  • Use a catchy image and a thought-provoking headline for your ad. Writing a compelling description will entice your target customers and leave them interested in your services.
  • Set a budget that you are willing to spend on your social media ad for dentists and also set for how long you want it to keep running.
  • You can test different versions of your ads and finalize the one that you think is the most effective and accurate.

Fun Fact- Every 6.4 Seconds, a New Account is Created on Social Media

How Much Does Social Media Ads for Dentists Cost?

Unfortunately there is no single and exact answer for this question. Although, advertising on social media platforms is much more effective than traditional forms of marketing, its cost is dependent on a number of factors such as the demographics, age, and for how long do you want to run the ad for.

The recent studies have suggested that nearly 71% of small businesses use social media ads for marketing. Out of that 71% of practitioners, 79% of business owners spend at least $500-$800 on social media ads for dentists. 

The reason why dentists are spending more money on social media ads is because of the highly-competitive nature of the business. Social media platforms can help you reach more and more people because of the magnanimous client base it has.

Apart from the maximum spend on social media costs for dentists,  you also need to pay your social media partner (if you choose to go with a social media company).  It is highly recommended to trust the professionals who are experts in the fields so that you can focus on what you do the best i.e dentistry.

While social media ads experts can take care of your ads, here are a few things that you can ensure from your end:-

  • Ensure whatever message you write on your social media ads carry a clear message. It should be able to communicate what the purpose of your ad is.   Be specific to highlight any offers or discounts that may be going-on.
  • Testing different versions of your social media ad copy can be very helpful in deciding what aligns with your business goals the most.
  • It would be nice to see where your hard-earned money is going.  To do this, you can consider checking the analytics thoroughly to see what results your social media ads have been producing.
  • If a certain thing does not work or go as planned, consider re-strategizing your marketing goals to ensure everything stays inline with your marketing goals. 

Interesting Fact- Americans Check Their Social Media Profiles at least 46 times in a day

An ideal package for social media ads for dentists would look like this.  Depending on the size of your business, your needs and your budget, you can choose a package that best fits your requirements.

Basic ($300)

✅Account Management – 2
✅Campaign Creation- 1
✅Facebook Marketing
✅Instagram Marketing
✅Monthly Report
✅Traffic Monitoring

Advanced ($600)

✅Account Management – 3
✅Campaign Creation-3
✅Facebook Marketing
✅Pixel Installation
✅Instagram Marketing
✅LinkedIn Marketing
✅Youtube Marketing
✅Twitter Marketing
✅Monthly Report
✅Traffic Monitoring

Enterprise ($1000)

✅Account Management – 5
✅Campaign Creation-6
✅Facebook Marketing
✅Pixel Installation
✅Instagram Marketing
✅LinkedIn Marketing
✅Youtube Marketing
✅Twitter Marketing
✅Monthly Report
✅Traffic Monitoring

Metrics That Play A Vital in Determining Costs for Your Social Media Ads

There are a number of metrics that play a vital role in determining the cost of your social media ads. Let’s have a look at what these metrics have to say:- 

Cost Per Lead– CPL, also known as Cost Per Lead is a pricing model that charges the advertiser when a person shows interest in what the advertiser is offering. However, it is worth noting that unless the advertiser is able to convert the leads, the data collected through social media ads for dentists would be useless.

Cost Per Acquisition– As the name suggests, cost per acquisition is the amount spent on acquiring each lead. The data collected through this metric can be used to find out how much money you are spending to successfully bring new patients.

New Patient Value– Dental practices are highly dependent on what value a patient brings in.  You can use the metric ‘ new patient value’ to determine the long-term or short-term value of a new patient.  Ideally, a new patient that walks into the dentist office usually completes the procedure within the first few months.

Patient Lifetime Value- This metric is used to track the revenue earned from each patient from the time they initially consulted or booked an appointment with the dentist.  The lifetime value of a patient is dependent on the number of treatments received by the patient throughout his/her time with the dentist.

Those were some of the metrics that can tell a lot about the performance of your  social media ads.

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    Importance of Social Media For Dentists

    Attract New Patients- With the emerging trend of different social media platforms, people feel more connected than ever. The studies have revealed that an average American spends approximately 4-6 hours on social media. Hence, it becomes extremely crucial to tap into the power of social media for connecting with your ‘potential patients’.

    Stay Connected with your Old/Current Patients– Maintaining your social media profiles lets your current and old patients updated.  They would love to see what their beloved dentist is upto.  Apart from sharing pictures of yourself, your staff or your office, you can also share your knowledge on how they can improve their dental well-being.  This would help you emerge as a subject expert as well let your audience know you on a personal level.

    Build a Solid Standing Of Your Brand-  Your potential clients are more ‘social media-savvy’ than you think they are. Therefore, it would be really nice to show up in their feed with some teeth-related posts.  You can share ‘behind the scene’ posts, fun facts about teeth and some knowledgeable posts about how to improve your oral hygiene.  All these together would help you build a solid standing of your dental business online that people would love to relate to.

    Increase referral traffic– All the social media platforms let you add in your business details such as your website URL, company bio, operation hours, customer reviews and more. Adding the details of your business on social media profiles increases the chances of more and more people visiting your website, hence increasing referral traffic.

    Fortify Business Presence– Imagine starting your journey as a ‘dentist’ and emerging as a leading brand. Sounds exciting, right ? Well, this is possible if you invest some time and some money on dental social media advertising costs to fortify the presence of your business. All you just need to do is to be consistent with whatever social media strategy you choose for your business. A right strategy when paired with consistency works wonders.

    Astonishing Fact- Beware ! Social Media is Highly Addictive !

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    The Final Verdict

    Advertising on social media  prepares your business not just to survive the hyper-competitive nature of the industry but also stay on the top.

    If you want your dental business to keep sailing the market, get in touch with the experts at Softtrix. We have got an impressive track record of excellence in delivering results to our clients.

    If you want to dominate the dental world, feel free to schedule a call today with the experts at Softtrix.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The cost of social media marketing for dentists is directly proportional to the goals you want to achieve. On an average it costs as low as $300 and can go as high as $2000.

    At Softtrix, we do not believe in locking our clients in long-term contracts. The contracts are renewed every month, which you can cancel anytime.

    You need to commit at least 4-6 months to start seeing the results. Digital marketing does not show results overnight. One needs to be consistent with their strategies to be able to see the results.

    The best way to generate leads for your dental business is through word of mouth referrals. You can encourage your happy and satisfied customers to leave a positive review about your business which will encourage other clients to indulge in your services.

    The bios should always be written smartly because it can tell a lot about your business.   Try to use your words wisely and try telling something about your passion, your specialization and your hobbies in your biography.

    25 replies on “Dental Social Media Advertising Services Pricing 2024”

    Absolutely spot on! In today’s digital age, social media isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ for dental practices; it’s a ‘must-have.’ Your insightful breakdown of the costs involved provides a clear picture of what it takes to succeed.

    Extremely valuable insights! This guide breaks down social media advertising for dentists and the associated costs. A must-read for dental professionals looking to enhance their online presence and attract more patients. Thanks for sharing!

    This blog post is a fantastic resource for learning about some aspects of social media advertising.

    As a dentist, I’ve seen the benefits of social media ads firsthand. It’s worth every penny!

    Great insights! Understanding the cost of social media ads for dentists is crucial. This blog provides valuable information for dental professionals looking to invest in effective online advertising strategies

    Understanding the cost of social media ads for dentists is essential. This blog provides valuable information for dental professionals who are looking to invest in effective online advertising strategies.

    I love how you addressed specific costs in this post. It really adds depth to the discussion.”

    Really Amazed to know all these deeper insights of Social Media Ads in boosting a Dental business.
    Best part is that you guys focused on the costing aspect as well.

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