How Can You Perform Keyword Research For Free In 2023 And Beyond?


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Are you expecting some great free keyword research tools

Yes, you will get them here without any doubt but with a little twist. 

We know you have already gone through many free tools but you are still searching for the best.

Well, let us tell you the truth. There is nothing like ‘best keyword tool’. And if you still waste your time following or searching for the same then you will never be satisfied.

Want to know the reason?

You are following the wrong approach!

Yes, you read it right. 

Here you will read something that will completely change your perspective about keywords.

To get the most out of our information we recommend forgetting what you know about keywords and read like a beginner. 

So are you ready to explore your surprise?

If yes, then let’s begin!

Why Is Keyword Research Important?

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In the vast landscape of the internet, where information is king, getting noticed can be a daunting task. That’s where the magic of keyword research comes into play. 

Imagine it as the compass guiding your content through the labyrinth of search engine results. 

But why is it so crucial?

Keywords are the language of the internet. When your potential audience types a query into that search bar, they’re essentially speaking this language. 

To be heard, you need to speak it back. That’s where understanding the importance of keyword research becomes your secret weapon.

It’s not just about ranking high on search engines; it’s about connecting with the people actively seeking what you have to offer.

Keyword research helps you decipher these digital conversations, ensuring your content is not just a needle in the haystack but a beacon that attracts the right eyes.

The Art Of Understanding Your Audience

Keyword research is not just about finding words related to your content; it’s about understanding your audience’s heartbeat. 

Picture this: you’re hosting a party, and you want to play the perfect playlist. To do that, you need to know the favorite tunes of your guests.

Similarly, your audience has specific preferences and language nuances. Through meticulous keyword research, you unveil the phrases and terms your audience uses when searching. 

It’s like stepping into their shoes and speaking their language. This not only helps you get discovered but also builds a rapport with your readers.

In essence, keyword research is the key to unlocking the door to your audience’s needs, questions, and desires. It’s not just a tool; it’s your personalized guide to navigating the digital realm.

The SEO Powerplay

Now, imagine your website as a book, and each page is a different chapter. Keywords are the bookmarks that tell search engines what each chapter is about. When someone is looking for a specific chapter, those bookmarks guide them directly to the relevant page.

This is where the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) magic happens. Keyword research helps you strategically place these bookmarks, ensuring that search engines understand your content and present it to the right audience.

But it’s not just about quantity; it’s about quality. 

Finding the sweet spot where your audience’s language intersects with search engine algorithms is the golden ticket. This synergy elevates your content from being merely present on the internet to being actively sought after.

In short, keyword research is the architect’s blueprint for building a structure that not only stands tall but attracts a steady stream of visitors.

Content Relevance And Authority

Imagine you’re looking for the best recipe for chocolate chip cookies, and you stumble upon a blog that talks about intergalactic travel. 

Frustrating, right?

Keyword research ensures your content aligns with the expectations set by the keywords you choose.

Relevance is the name of the game. 

When your content precisely matches what your audience is searching for, it not only satisfies their needs but also establishes your authority on the subject. 

It’s like being the go-to person at a party when someone needs advice on a particular topic.

Moreover, search engines like Google love relevance. They appreciate content that delivers what it promises. By weaving the right keywords into your content, you’re telling search engines, “Hey, this is the information they’re looking for,” and in return, they boost your visibility.

Fact: Business-to-business companies employ 78% of keyword research for online content preparation, while business-to-consumer companies employ 73%. [Source]

 In summary, keyword research is not just about finding words; it’s about building a bridge of trust between you, your audience, and the mighty search engines.

Staying Ahead In The Digital Race

The digital world is a dynamic race where the rules are ever-changing. 

What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

Here’s where consistent and updated keyword research becomes your trusty compass in the ever-shifting terrain.

Think of it like this: You’re sailing through the vast ocean of the internet. Keyword research is not just the anchor that keeps you grounded; it’s the wind in your sails, propelling you forward. 

By staying updated with the latest trends and changes in search patterns, you ensure that your content remains relevant and resonant.

Moreover, your competitors are in the same race. Keyword research lets you peek into their strategies, understand what’s working for them, and carve out your unique path.

It’s not about copying but learning from the race and adapting your strategy for the next lap.

In other words, keyword research is not a one-time sprint; it’s a marathon where staying ahead requires constant vigilance and adaptation.

 We hope you understand why keywords are important. It’s not just a tool; it’s your strategic companion in the journey of making your mark on the internet.

By understanding your audience, leveraging SEO strategies, ensuring relevance, and staying ahead of the digital curve, you’re not just creating content. You’re crafting a symphony that resonates with the hearts and minds of your readers.

So, the next time you embark on the adventure of creating content, remember the power of keywords. It’s not just about getting noticed; it’s about creating a lasting connection in the vast, ever-expanding landscape of the digital universe.

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How To Do Keyword Research For Free Like A Pro?

Keyword research is one of the most basic and first-priority steps for individuals, businesses, brands, etc. who want to achieve their desired goals.

Now, as promised check out some of the most amazing ways to do keyword research for free. Meanwhile, we also provide the pros and cons of each method so you can mentally prepare yourself for upcoming challenges. By describing the pros and cons, our prime goal is to save your time and help you to make better decisions. 

So let’s get started with the most common but underrated one:

#1. Google Keyword Planner

  • Navigate to Google Keyword Planner.
  • Enter a seed keyword related to your content.
  • Explore the suggested keywords, their search volumes, and competition levels.


Accurate Data from Google

Being Google’s own tool, Keyword Planner provides accurate and reliable data directly from the largest search engine. It offers insights into search volumes, competition, and bid estimates, helping you make informed decisions.

Integration with Google Ads

If you’re running Google Ads campaigns, Keyword Planner seamlessly integrates with the platform. This allows you to transition from keyword research to creating ad campaigns effortlessly, streamlining your overall marketing strategy.

Accurate Data from Google

Being Google's own tool, Keyword Planner provides accurate and reliable data directly from the largest search engine. It offers insights into search volumes, competition, and bid estimates, helping you make informed decisions.

Integration with Google Ads

If you're running Google Ads campaigns, Keyword Planner seamlessly integrates with the platform. This allows you to transition from keyword research to creating ad campaigns effortlessly, streamlining your overall marketing strategy.


Limited Data for Non-Advertisers

While the tool is available to everyone, certain detailed data, especially for search volume, may be limited if you don't have an active Google Ads campaign. This can be a drawback for businesses not currently running ads.

Focus on Paid Advertising

The tool is primarily designed for advertisers, so the emphasis is often on paid search. This means that while it provides valuable insights for PPC campaigns, it might not cover all aspects relevant to organic search and content creation.

#2. Google Trends

  • Visit Google Trends.
  • Compare the popularity of different keywords over time.
  • Identify trending topics related to your content.


Real-Time Trend Analysis

Google Trends provides real-time data on the popularity of search queries. This is invaluable for identifying current trends and capitalizing on emerging topics, helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Comparative Insights

The tool allows you to compare the popularity of multiple search queries over time and across different regions. This comparative analysis helps in prioritizing keywords and understanding their relative importance.


Limited Granularity of Data

While Google Trends is excellent for identifying broad trends, it may lack the granularity needed for in-depth keyword research. Detailed search volume numbers are not provided, making it challenging to gauge the absolute popularity of a keyword.

Focus on Popularity, Not Specifics

Google Trends emphasizes the popularity of search queries but may not delve into the specifics of user intent or competition. This makes it more suitable for identifying trending topics than for detailed keyword research.

#3. Autocomplete and Related Searches

Google Autocomplete

  • Start typing your seed keyword in Google’s search bar.
  • Take note of the suggestions that pop up. These are actual searches made by users.

Related Searches

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the search results page.
  • Check the “Searches related to” section for additional keyword ideas.


User-Generated Insights

 Autocomplete and related searches provide direct insights into user-generated queries. This allows you to tap into the language and phrases that real users are using, ensuring that your content aligns closely with their preferences.

Quick and Accessible

These features are readily accessible on search engines, making them a quick and convenient way to gather keyword ideas. It requires no additional tools or setup, making it an instant resource for brainstorming.


Limited Data Depth

While useful for generating ideas, autocomplete and related searches may not provide detailed data on search volumes or competition. This lack of depth can make it challenging to prioritize keywords effectively.

Subject to Personalization

Autocomplete suggestions and related searches can be influenced by personalization factors, including the user’s search history and location. This means that the suggestions may vary for different users, potentially limiting the universality of the insights.

Quora and Forums


  • Explore relevant topics on Quora.
  • Look for recurring phrases and questions. These are potential keywords.


  • Visit forums related to your niche.
  • Pay attention to the language used by community members. These can be valuable keywords.


User-Generated Insights and Questions

Quora and forums are rich sources of user-generated content, including questions and discussions. This allows you to tap into the language used by your target audience, identify common pain points, and discover specific queries that people are seeking answers to.

Real-Life Conversations and Context

These platforms provide insights into real-life conversations and contextual use of keywords. Understanding how users discuss topics in a conversational manner can inform your content strategy, making it more relatable and engaging.


Varied Quality of Information

While these platforms offer valuable insights, the quality of information can vary. Not all answers or discussions may be accurate or up-to-date, making it essential to cross-verify information obtained from these sources.

Limited Data Scalability

Gathering data from forums and Quora can be time-consuming, especially if you’re looking for a large volume of keywords. The process may not be as scalable as using dedicated keyword research tools, which offer more efficient ways to analyze a wide range of keywords.

Social Media Listening

Twitter and Facebook

  • Monitor discussions on social media platforms.
  • Identify popular hashtags and keywords related to your content.


Real-Time Conversations and Trends

Twitter and Facebook provide real-time insights into ongoing conversations and trends. Monitoring discussions on these platforms allows you to identify current topics, language trends, and emerging keywords.

Audience Engagement and Feedback

Engaging with your audience on social media can provide direct feedback and insights into the language they use. Paying attention to comments, questions, and discussions helps in understanding user intent and refining your keyword strategy.


Volume and Noise

The sheer volume of content on social media platforms can make it challenging to filter through the noise and identify relevant keywords. It requires a discerning eye to pinpoint meaningful insights amid the vast amount of data.

Limited Search Query Specifics

While social media platforms offer valuable insights into conversations, they may not provide detailed specifics about search queries. Unlike search engines, where users explicitly enter their queries, social media content is often more conversational and context-dependent.

Level Up Your Keyword Researching Game with These Free Tools

#1. Free SEMrush Account

  • Input a competitor’s domain or your target keyword into SEMrush’s search bar.
  • Explore the detailed data, including organic search rankings, paid search advertising, backlink information, and more. 
  • Utilize this information to refine your SEO strategy, identify competitor tactics, and discover new keyword opportunities.


Access to Basic Features

A free SEMrush account provides users with access to basic features, allowing them to explore and become familiar with the platform. This includes limited keyword research capabilities, domain overview, and a taste of SEMrush’s analytical tools.

Limited Competitor Insights

Even with a free account, users can gain some insights into competitor strategies. This includes an overview of competitor domains, organic search positions, and a glimpse into their paid advertising strategies.


Restricted Access to Advanced Features

The free SEMrush account comes with restrictions on the depth of features available. Users won’t have access to advanced functionalities such as historical data, in-depth competitor analysis, or the full spectrum of keyword research tools.

Limited Keyword Tracking

The free account offers limited capacity for tracking keyword positions over time. This restriction can be a drawback for those who require more robust tracking features for ongoing SEO efforts.

#2. AnswerThePublic

  • Explore AnswerThePublic.
  • Enter your keyword to discover questions people are asking related to your topic.


Visual Presentation of Data

AnswerThePublic presents keyword data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. The tool generates visualizations such as word clouds and graphs, making it user-friendly for those who prefer a more visual approach to keyword exploration.

Content Ideas Based on User Questions

The tool excels in providing content ideas by focusing on user questions. By aggregating questions related to a specific keyword, AnswerThePublic helps you understand the queries users have, allowing you to create content that directly addresses their needs.


Limited Depth of Data

While AnswerThePublic is excellent for generating content ideas, it may have limitations in terms of providing in-depth data on search volumes, competition, or other quantitative metrics. It’s more of a creative brainstorming tool than a comprehensive analytics tool.

Potential Overemphasis on Questions

The tool heavily emphasizes user questions, which may not cover the full spectrum of user intent. Some keyword aspects, such as informational queries or transactional keywords, might not be as prominently featured.

#3. Ahrefs

  • Input a domain or keyword into Ahrefs’ search bar.
  • Review comprehensive insights, including backlink profiles, organic search traffic, keyword rankings, and content gaps. Leverage this data to refine your content strategy, identify backlink opportunities, and analyze competitor performance. 


Extensive Backlink Analysis

Ahrefs is renowned for its robust backlink analysis capabilities. Users can gain detailed insights into their own and competitors’ backlink profiles, helping them understand link-building strategies and opportunities.

Site Explorer for In-Depth Analysis

Ahrefs’ Site Explorer feature provides a comprehensive overview of a website’s organic search performance, including top-performing pages, referring domains, and organic traffic estimates. This data is valuable for understanding overall site health.


Subscription Cost for Full Access

While Ahrefs offers a limited free version, access to its full suite of features and data requires a subscription. This can be a limiting factor for individuals or businesses with budget constraints.

Steeper Learning Curve

Ahrefs, like SEMrush, has a rich set of features, leading to a steeper learning curve for beginners. Navigating the platform and fully utilizing its functionalities may require time and familiarity.

#4. Moz Keyword Explorer

  • Input your target keyword into Moz Keyword Explorer.
  • Explore metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and potential organic click-through rate. Use these insights to choose keywords aligned with your content strategy and competitive landscape. 


Keyword Difficulty Score

Moz Keyword Explorer provides a Keyword Difficulty (KD) score, helping users gauge the competitiveness of a keyword. This predictive metric assists in identifying keywords that align with the website's authority and competitiveness.

SERP Analysis and Features

Moz offers insights into the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), including features like SERP Features and Analysis. This allows users to understand the search landscape for a specific keyword, helping tailor their content strategy.


Limited Free Features

While Moz Keyword Explorer offers a limited free version, advanced features such as historical data, in-depth SERP analysis, and the full range of keyword suggestions require a subscription.

Focused Keyword Recommendations

Some users may find the keyword suggestions provided by Moz to be more focused, potentially missing out on broader keyword variations. This could be a limitation for those seeking a more diverse set of keyword ideas.

#5. Spyfu

  • Input a competitor’s domain into SpyFu’s search bar.
  • Review data on competitor keywords, ad strategies, and historical performance. Utilize this information to refine your own SEO and PPC strategies, identify keyword opportunities, and understand competitor trend


Competitor Analysis and Keyword Tracking

SpyFu specializes in competitor analysis, providing users with detailed insights into competitor keywords, ad strategies, and historical data. This information is invaluable for understanding the competitive landscape.

Keyword Tracking and Ranking Trends

SpyFu allows users to track the performance of specific keywords over time. This feature helps in understanding ranking trends and adjusting strategies based on the evolving keyword landscape.


Paid Subscription for Full Access

While SpyFu offers some free features, the full suite of functionalities, including advanced competitor analysis and historical data, requires a paid subscription. This could be a limitation for users with budget constraints.

Learning Curve for Beginners

The depth of features in SpyFu may pose a learning curve for beginners. Navigating the platform and fully utilizing its capabilities may require time and familiarity.

#6. Soovle

  • Input a keyword into Soovle’s search bar.
  • Review keyword suggestions from various search engines and platforms like Google, Bing, Amazon, and more. Use the diverse suggestions to broaden your keyword list and cater to different user preferences.


Multi-Platform Keyword Suggestions

Soovle aggregates keyword suggestions from various search engines and platforms, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, and more. This provides users with a comprehensive list of potential keywords relevant to different platforms.

User-Friendly Interface

Soovle’s simple and clean interface makes it user-friendly. Users can easily input a keyword and quickly receive suggestions from multiple search engines, streamlining the keyword research process.


Limited Advanced Features

Soovle is more focused on providing quick and broad keyword suggestions. It may lack some of the advanced features and in-depth analytics offered by more specialized keyword research tools.

Data Depth Variation

While aggregating data from multiple sources is a strength, it can also lead to variations in data depth and relevance. Users may need to verify and cross-reference the suggestions with more specialized tools for a deeper understanding.

Tips For Choosing The Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for a successful SEO strategy. Let’s dive into some tips to help you make informed decisions:

  • Understand Your Audience

Know who your target audience is and what language they use. Your keywords should resonate with their needs, interests, and search behaviors.

  • Focus On Relevance

Prioritize relevance over popularity. Ensure that your chosen keywords align closely with the content and offerings on your website.

  • Search Volume

Evaluate the search volume of your chosen keywords. High search volume indicates popularity but also high competition. Strike a balance by targeting a mix of high, medium, and low-volume keywords relevant to your goals.

  • Keyword Difficulty

Understand the difficulty level of ranking for a specific keyword. Use tools to analyze keyword difficulty scores, considering your website’s authority and your ability to compete in the search results.

  • Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Consider the organic click-through rate (CTR) potential of your selected keywords. Some keywords may attract more clicks than others, contributing to better visibility and traffic for your pages.

  • Long-Tail Keywords Matter

Don’t underestimate the power of long-tail keywords. They might have lower search volumes, but they often indicate more specific user intent, leading to higher conversion rates. 

Long-tail keywords accounted for 70% of online searches in 2019, while fat-head keywords accounted for 18.5% and chunky keywords accounted for 11.5%. [Source

  • Check Search Intent

Analyze the intent behind the keywords. Are users looking for information, ready to make a purchase, or seeking a specific service? So, align your content with the user’s intent and reach them the best way.

  • Assess Competition

Evaluate the competition for each keyword. Aim for a mix of high, medium, and low competition keywords to create a balanced strategy.

  • Use A Variety Of Tools

Explore different keyword research tools to get a comprehensive view. Each tool might provide unique insights and suggestions.

  • Consider Seasonality

16-20% of keywords searched on Google on any given day have never been searched before. [Source

Be mindful of seasonal trends in your industry. Some keywords might see fluctuations in search volume based on the time of the year.

  • Localize Your Keywords

If your business has a local focus, incorporate location-specific keywords. This is crucial for attracting geographically targeted traffic.

  • Monitor Trends

Keep an eye on industry trends and changes in user behavior. Stay adaptable and adjust your keyword strategy accordingly.

  • Prioritize User Experience

Choose keywords that align with a positive user experience. Your content should fulfill the user’s query and provide value.

Fact: The vast majority (92.42%) of keywords have a monthly search volume of ≤ 10. [Source]

  • Leverage Synonyms and Variations

Include synonyms and keyword variations naturally within your content. This helps capture a broader audience without keyword stuffing.

  • Regularly Review and Update

The digital landscape evolves, and so should your keywords. Regularly review and update your keyword list based on performance and industry shifts.

  • Use Google Analytics and Search Console

Analyze data from Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Understand which keywords are driving traffic and how users are interacting with your content.

  • Test and Refine

Treat your keyword strategy as an ongoing experiment. Test different keywords, assess their performance, and refine your approach based on the data.

  • Check For SERP Features

Examine the search engine results page (SERP) for your chosen keywords. Are there featured snippets, images, or other rich snippets? Tailor your content to match these features.

  • Analyze Conversion Potential

Consider the conversion potential of your keywords. Are certain keywords more likely to lead to a desired action, such as a purchase or sign-up? Prioritize those with high conversion potential.

  • User Feedback and Reviews

Pay attention to user feedback and reviews. The language used by satisfied or dissatisfied customers can offer valuable insights into keywords that matter to your audience.

  • Utilize Competitor Insights 

Analyze your competitors. Identify keywords they are ranking for and evaluate their strategies. This can provide inspiration, information, and help you discover overlooked opportunities.

  • Stay Mindful Of Keyword Cannibalization

Be cautious of keyword cannibalization, where multiple pages on your site are competing for the same keyword. Ensure each page targets a unique set of keywords to avoid confusion.

  • Aim For Evergreen Keywords

Incorporate evergreen keywords that have consistent search demand over time. These keywords provide long-term value and stability to your content strategy.

Tip: Most internet users search for longer phrases of 4+ words, and one- and two-word search terms are comparatively less common. [Source]

  • User Surveys and Feedback

 Conduct surveys or gather direct feedback from your audience. Ask them about the terms they would use to search for your products or services. This can uncover valuable, user-generated keywords.

  • Consider Brand Keywords

Include keywords related to your brand. This is crucial for brand visibility and ensuring that users looking specifically for your brand can easily find you.

  • Group Keywords Thematically

Group your keywords thematically. This helps in creating content clusters and improves the overall structure of your website, contributing to a better user experience.

  • Keep an Eye on Industry Buzzwords

Stay informed about industry buzzwords and terminology. Incorporating these terms can demonstrate that your content is current and relevant.

  • Mobile-Friendly Keywords

With the rise of mobile searches, ensure that your keywords are mobile-friendly. Consider how users on mobile devices might phrase their queries.

  • Consider Intent Modifiers

Include intent modifiers like “best,” “how to,” or “reviews” in your keyword strategy. These modifiers can provide insight into the user’s intention and help you tailor your content accordingly.


How To Use Keyword Research To Improve Your SEO

Leveraging keyword research effectively is a key component of optimizing your website for search engines. Let’s explore how you can use keyword research to enhance your SEO strategy:

  • Content Optimization

Integrate relevant keywords naturally into your content. Ensure that your primary and secondary keywords are strategically placed in headings, subheadings, and throughout the body of your text. This helps search engines understand the topic of your content.

  • Meta Tags and Descriptions

Optimize your meta title and meta description with target keywords. These elements appear in search engine results and can significantly impact click-through rates. Craft compelling, keyword-rich meta tags that accurately represent your content.

  • URL Structure

Create SEO-friendly URLs that include target keywords. A clear and concise URL structure not only enhances user experience but also provides search engines with additional context about the content.

  • Internal Linking

Use keywords in anchor text when incorporating internal links. This helps search engines understand the relationships between different pages on your website, contributing to a well-organized and interconnected site structure.

  • Image Optimization

Include keywords in image file names, alt text, and captions. This not only improves the accessibility of your content but also provides search engines with additional information about the visuals on your page.

  • Create Topic Clusters

Group the related content into topic clusters. By creating a network of interconnected pages centered around a core topic (pillar page), you signal to search engines the depth and breadth of your expertise on a particular subject.

  • Blogging and Content Creation

Regularly produce high-quality, keyword-rich content. Blog posts, articles, and other forms of content give you opportunities to target a variety of keywords, showcase your expertise, and engage with your audience.

  • Monitor and Adapt

Regularly monitor the performance of your keywords using tools like Google Analytics and adjust your strategy accordingly. If certain keywords are consistently driving traffic and engagement, consider creating more content around those topics.

  • Mobile Optimization

Optimize for mobile searches by considering the keywords users might employ on mobile devices. Mobile-friendliness is a significant factor in search engine rankings, and mobile searches often have different intents.

  • Local SEO

If your business has a physical location, optimize for local SEO by including location-based keywords. This is crucial for attracting local customers and appearing in local search results.

  • Social Media Integration

Share your content on social media platforms using keyword-rich captions and descriptions. Social signals are a factor in SEO, and promoting your content on social media can enhance visibility.

  • Regular Audits and Updates

Conduct regular SEO audits to identify areas for improvement. Keep your keyword strategy up-to-date by adapting to changes in your industry, audience behavior, and search engine algorithms.

By integrating these practices into your overall SEO strategy, you can maximize the impact of your keyword research and create a website that is not only optimized for search engines but also resonates with your target audience.

Understanding Why Keyword Research Is Difficult?

  • Constantly Changing Algorithms

Search engines regularly update their algorithms. This dynamic environment means that what works today might not work tomorrow. Staying abreast of these changes requires constant monitoring and adaptation.

  • Evolving User Behavior

User search behavior evolves over time. New trends, technologies, and societal changes influence how people search for information. Keeping up with these shifts is essential for effective keyword research.

  • Interpretation of Search Intent

Understanding the user intent behind a search query can be tricky. Two users searching for the same keyword might have different intentions. Deciphering the intent accurately is crucial for providing relevant content.

  • Increased Competition

As more businesses recognize the importance of SEO, the competition for certain keywords intensifies. Finding unique, effective keywords becomes challenging in saturated markets.

  • Niche-Specific Challenges

In niche industries, finding a balance between relevant, high-traffic keywords and avoiding overly competitive terms can be challenging. The pool of available keywords might be smaller, requiring a more nuanced approach.

  • Balancing Specificity and Volume

Long-tail keywords are specific and often have lower search volumes. Balancing the need for specificity with the desire for higher traffic can be challenging. It’s about finding the right mix for your content strategy.

  • Shifting Consumer Language

The way consumers express themselves changes. New terminologies, slang, or industry-specific language can emerge. Adapting your keyword strategy to reflect these linguistic shifts is an ongoing process.

  • Limited Access to Data

Free keyword research tools often have limitations. Access to more in-depth data often requires a budget for premium tools, making it challenging for smaller businesses or individuals.

  • Seasonal Fluctuations

Some keywords experience significant fluctuations in search volume based on seasons, events, or trends. Predicting and preparing for these changes can be complex.

  • Dependence on User Input

Tools often rely on user-generated data, and while this can provide valuable insights, it also means the data is influenced by user behavior, which can be unpredictable.

  • Ever-Growing Internet Content

The sheer volume of content on the internet makes it challenging to find unique keywords. As more content is created, the landscape becomes more competitive, and standing out requires strategic keyword selection.

  • Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Balancing the need for quick wins with long-term strategies is challenging. Some keywords might yield immediate results, while others require sustained efforts over time.

Despite these challenges, overcoming them is part of the dynamic nature of SEO. It requires a combination of creativity, data analysis, and adaptability to navigate the intricacies of keyword research effectively.

How Difficult Is Keyword Research On A Scale Of 10?

Most of us consider keyword research very easy but in reality, it is one of the most difficult tasks.

Let us tell you an interesting fact. The more you are into keyword research, the more it becomes complicated.

The reason is simple; its level of difficulty depends on how you are brainstorming or processing your keyword(s) in your mind. 

Years of experience give a respective person a better understanding of keyword(s). In other words, an expert can see the real potential of a particular keyword.

To help you understand how difficult keyword research can be, we have made a quick guide that has all levels of keyword research step by step.

Each step is further explained in five Stages of Mastery. You can consider yourself a Novice if you are a beginner and don’t know much about keywords. Similarly, you can level up yourself according to your knowledge and experience.

No matter which level you are on, make sure you read all the points to understand what you will miss if you don’t have respective expertise. 

1. Define Your Niche and Goals

  • Novice (Difficulty: 3/10)

Selecting a niche and establishing goals is relatively straightforward for beginners.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 4/10)

Understanding how niche selection impacts keyword choices requires a bit more insight.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 5/10)

Proficiency involves aligning niches and goals with SEO strategy for effective keyword targeting. 

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 7/10)

Achieving expertise involves optimizing niche selection and goals dynamically based on industry changes.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 8/10)

Formulate a comprehensive strategy that integrates your niche with advanced business goals and market dynamics.

2. Identify Seed Keywords

  • Novice (Difficulty: 2/10) 

Beginners can grasp the concept of seed keywords as the foundation of their research.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 3/10)

Understanding how to select effective seed keywords requires a bit more insight.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 5/10)

Proficiency involves identifying seed keywords that strike a balance between relevance and search volume.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 8/10)

Expertise includes identifying seed keywords strategically to set the tone for the entire strategy.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 9/10)

Employ sophisticated methods like predictive modeling or machine learning algorithms to identify potential keywords.

3. Expand With Keyword Tools

  • Novice (Difficulty: 4/10)

Basic keyword tools are user-friendly for beginners.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 5/10)

Learning to interpret data from tools and make informed decisions becomes more critical.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 6/10)

Proficiency involves using various tools to expand the keyword list strategically.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 8/10)

Expertise includes deep analysis and synthesis of data from multiple tools for comprehensive insights.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 10/10)

Develop or leverage custom tools and scripts for in-depth analysis, incorporating machine learning algorithms for predictive keyword trends.

4. Analyze Search Intent

  • Novice (Difficulty: 4/10)

Understanding user intent starts with recognizing common search types.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 5/10)

It becomes more challenging when balancing different types of intent.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 7/10)

Proficiency involves nuanced analysis of intent and aligning keywords with user needs.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 9/10)

Expertise includes anticipating evolving user intent and aligning content accordingly.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 9/10)

Leverage advanced competitive analysis tools and techniques, incorporating data-driven decision-making into your strategy.

5. Evaluate Competition

  • Novice (Difficulty: 5/10)

Recognizing competitors is straightforward for beginners.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 6/10)

Understanding competitive analysis becomes more complex.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 8/10)

Proficiency involves in-depth competition analysis for strategic keyword selection.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 9/10)

Expertise includes dynamic monitoring of competitors and adapting strategies accordingly.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 9/10)

Develop custom algorithms to dynamically adjust your keyword strategy based on evolving trends and user behavior.

6. Select Target Keywords

  • Novice (Difficulty: 5/10)

Choosing basic target keywords is achievable for beginners.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 6/10)

Understanding how to balance competitiveness and relevance is more nuanced.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 8/10)

Proficiency involves strategic selection based on competition, search volume, and user intent.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 9/10)

Expertise includes dynamic adjustments based on evolving trends and algorithm changes.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 10/10)

Utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to dynamically optimize content based on real-time user intent signals.

7. Create Content and Optimize

  • Novice (Difficulty: 6/10)

Beginners can grasp the basics of content creation and optimization.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 7/10)

Understanding the intricacies of on-page SEO becomes more crucial.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 9/10)

Proficiency involves creating content that not only targets keywords but also provides value and aligns with SEO best practices.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 10/10)

Expertise includes continuous optimization and adapting content strategies to algorithm changes.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 9/10)

Innovate and experiment with cutting-edge content formats and structures to stay ahead in the industry.

8. Monitor and Adjust

  • Novice (Difficulty: 3/10)

Use basic analytics tools to track keyword performance.

  • Advanced Beginner (Difficulty: 4/10)

Set up Google Analytics and Search Console for more comprehensive monitoring.

  • Competence (Difficulty: 6/10)

Develop a regular monitoring routine, adjusting your strategy based on performance data.

  • Proficient (Difficulty: 8/10)

Implement automated monitoring systems and alerts to stay on top of keyword trends.

  • Expert (Difficulty: 9/10)

Use custom analytics dashboards and predictive modeling to proactively adjust your keyword strategy.

Why Should You Hire An Expert For Keyword Research?

  • Expertise and Experience

SEO professionals have a deep understanding of how search engines work and extensive experience in keyword research. Their expertise allows them to navigate the complexities of the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • Access to Advanced Tools

SEO experts often have access to premium keyword research tools that provide more in-depth insights and analysis. These tools can uncover valuable opportunities that might be missed with basic, free tools.

  • Strategic Approach

Professionals take a strategic approach to keyword research. They don’t just focus on high-traffic keywords but consider the entire landscape, including long-tail keywords, user intent, and emerging trends.

  • Competitor Analysis

SEO experts conduct thorough competitor analysis, identifying the keywords that your competitors are targeting and understanding their strategies. This competitive intelligence informs your own keyword strategy.

  • Stay Updated with Industry Trends

The digital landscape is dynamic, with trends and search behaviors constantly evolving. SEO experts stay updated with the latest industry trends, algorithm changes, and user behaviors, ensuring your strategy remains relevant.

  • Customized Strategies

An expert can tailor keyword research strategies to align with your specific business goals, target audience, and industry nuances. This personalized approach increases the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

  • Efficient Use of Resources

SEO professionals can efficiently allocate resources by focusing on high-impact keywords. This ensures that your time and efforts are directed towards keywords that will yield the best results for your business.

  • Understand User Intent

Determining user intent is crucial for effective keyword research. SEO experts excel at interpreting the intent behind search queries, enabling them to select keywords that align with what users are looking for.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Keyword research is not a one-time task; it requires continuous monitoring and optimization. SEO professionals regularly assess the performance of keywords, adapt to changes, and refine the strategy for ongoing success.

  • Results-Driven Approach 

Professionals focus on achieving measurable results. Whether it’s improving rankings, increasing organic traffic, or enhancing user engagement, an expert’s goal is to deliver tangible outcomes for your business.

Fact: Using more than one keyword decreases a website’s ranking as #1 in Google search by 70% and more for a 10K-search volume. [Source]

  • Mitigate Mistakes

SEO can be intricate, and mistakes can have consequences. An expert’s experience helps in avoiding common pitfalls, ensuring that your SEO strategy is effective from the start.

  • ROI Focus

SEO professionals prioritize return on investment (ROI). They understand the value of your marketing budget and work towards maximizing the impact of your investment in keyword research.

While it’s possible to perform basic keyword research independently, hiring an expert can elevate your strategy, save time, and ultimately contribute to the long-term success of your online presence.

How To Save Your Time Doing Keyword Research and Get the Best ROI?


One of the shortest and most legitimate ways to enjoy success in the digital marketing world is simply outsourcing your work to SEO experts or people who have an in-house team of qualified SEO professionals like Softtrix.

Contrary to belief, hiring an SEO expert gives you better ROI, and does not dig a hole in your pocket.

If you don’t believe us then watch the below video first and then continue reading further.

Will This Work For My Business?

This is what you are thinking right?

Yes! You can expect the same or even better results for your business.

The only condition is you need to partner with trusted experts like Softtrix.

Here is one more case study that you would love to watch:

 Worried about the initial cost?

Have a glance below to clear all of your confusion:

Wrapping Up!

We hope you are feeling overwhelmed by knowing about the real potential of the keywords.

But at the same time if you are feeling confused about whether to expand your learning or hire an expert, then don’t worry the answer is simple.

There is nothing wrong with learning and we encourage you to keep learning new things.

But, if you are serious about the growth of your website, brand, or business then you should definitely understand time is everything.

If you decide to learn today then it may take a few years to master the skill of picking the right keywords. Which may simmer down your business growth.

Beware! Take your decision wisely.

Choosing this path will simply give your competitors an advantage to kick you out of the game. 

If you are ready for this, for the sake of your learning then go ahead… if not then simply hire SEO professionals from Softtrix who will take charge and help you in supercharging your brand with just the right keywords.

Is Your Business Website Not Visible On Google?
Get It Ranked On #1 Page With Us! 

  • Google #1 page ranking for targeted keywords
  • Rank #1 on your local maps
  • Increased brand engagement & sales

    26 replies on “How Can You Perform Keyword Research For Free In 2023 And Beyond?”

    Performing keyword research for free is a game-changer. The article provides valuable tips and tools to stay ahead in 2023 and beyond. Kudos for sharing these practical strategies!

    Thank you for this insightful article! Keyword research is indeed a cornerstone of any successful digital strategy. The suggestions provided here offer a comprehensive guide for conducting keyword research without breaking the bank.

    This guide is a game-changer! The insights on optimizing SEO and the breakdown of free keyword research methods for 2023 are spot-on.

    Looking forward to implement these techniques and staying ahead in the ever-changing SEO game. Kudos to Softtrix for keeping us informed and empowered! 💻✨

    Engaging in cost-free keyword research can significantly alter the game. This piece offers valuable insights and tools to stay at the forefront in 2023 and beyond. Commendations for sharing these actionable strategies!

    Awesome tips on finding keywords for free in 2023. This blog is a game-changer, providing practical tips for boosting online visibility. Thanks for sharing!

    Comprehensive guide to conducting effective keyword research at no cost using tools like Google Keyword Planner. Essential read for SEO and PPC. Keep it up!

    The importance of keyword research remains paramount for successful SEO strategies. Thanks for sharing these invaluable resources for keyword research!

    A detailed tutorial on utilizing Google Keyword Planner and other free tools to conduct efficient keyword research Important reading for PPC and SEO Continue as before.

    The ability to conduct keyword research for free is a game changer. The post contains useful advice and techniques for staying ahead in 2023 and beyond. Congratulations on providing these useful strategies!

    Great insights on performing keyword research for free in 2023 and beyond! This article provides practical tips and tools that are incredibly helpful for anyone looking to enhance their SEO strategy without breaking the bank. Thanks for sharing these valuable resources!

    Fantastic insights! Keyword research is the cornerstone of a successful digital strategy. 💡🔍 Exploring free tools in 2023 is a game-changer, ensuring smarter decisions and a competitive edge. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips

    Fantastic resource on mastering keyword research without breaking the bank! This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into leveraging tools like Google Keyword Planner for SEO and PPC success.

    Wonderful insights! The foundation of a successful digital strategy is keyword research. 💡🔍 Investigating free tools in 2023 is revolutionary, guaranteeing more informed choices and a competitive advantage. I appreciate you giving these insightful suggestions.

    Invaluable insights on free keyword research methods! This blog breaks down effective strategies for conducting keyword research without breaking the bank, empowering users to navigate SEO with cost-effective tools.

    Thanks for this insightful post! Keyword research is such a crucial aspect of online visibility, and your tips for doing it for free in 2023 are really valuable.

    Thanks for compiling this comprehensive guide—it’s incredibly valuable for anyone trying to improve their online presence without breaking the bank.

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