🚀 12000% Traffic, 📈 35000%
Retention with SEO

This case study focuses on an electrical supply website that specializes in selling electrical supplies to commercial and residential customers. Their website is not actively using any digital marketing, and the website is outdated and not optimized for search engines. Learn how we were able to significantly improve the website’s performance and user experience.

Generated Revenue For Ecommerce Website


Website Traffic

Generated Revenue For Ecommerce Website


Client Retention Rate

Generated Revenue For Ecommerce Website


Rise in Engagement Rate

Rise in Traffic & Retention Rate

About our Ecommerce Client

EECOL Electric specializes in providing high-quality wire and cable products for a variety of industries. Their product range includes a wide selection of insulated and uninsulated cables, including thermocouple cable, coaxial cable, and fiber optics. They also offer a variety of custom-fabricated cable assemblies, including power cords, assembly harnesses, and more. They are dedicated to providing their customers with the highest quality products and services.

The Challenge

The primary objective of the client is to develop and implement a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to help the store increase its visibility and website traffic. Additionally, they would like to increase their customer base, attract more customers and boost sales. The goals are to drive more traffic, engagement rate and client retention rate by organic efforts.

Results we Achieved

The real results of the traffic growth to the electrical supply website of our client were very positive. The website saw an overall increase in Website Traffic of 12000% and an increase in client retention rate of 35000%. Additionally, the time spent on the website overall increased by 84%. Overall, the traffic growth to the website was very successful and contributed to a significant increase in New Users & Engagement rate.

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    The workflow was outstanding, and they were very much active to respond to any of my inquiries.
    Generated Revenue For Ecommerce Website

    How Did We Achieve the Results?

    We followed three stages to the buyer’s journey Or you can say marketing funnel

    Top of the Funnel (TOTF) is Awareness

    At this stage, potential customers don’t quite know what service or product they need, if any at all. They know there’s a problem, but they’re not sure what it is or how to solve it.

    Middle of the Funnel (MOTF) is Consideration

    This is where buyers know the problem, and they’re looking for solutions.

    Bottom of the Funnel (BOTF) is Decision-Making

    The last stage of the marketing funnel is decision-making. Potential buyers understand their problem and know how to fix it.

    We followed three stages to the buyer’s journey Or you can say marketing funnel

    Firstly, we performed Keyword Research

    Starting with an untouched website, we slowly took advantage of “low competition and decent traffic value Keywords.

    Secondly, We Organized Keywords Based on Marketing Funnel Stages

    In this Awareness phase, we organized those keywords that help potential customers understand their problems. Keywords like: 

    • Prevent
    • Improve
    • Troubleshoot
    • How to
    • Resolve

    Now that potential customers understand their problem, so In this Consideration phase, we organized those keywords that provide solutions like.

    • Service
    • Tool
    • Provider
    • Supply
    • Solution

    The final stage of the marketing funnel is about closing the deal. Here are some of the best keywords for the decision-making stage of the buyer’s journey:

    • Compare
    • Pros and cons
    • Review
    • Versus
    • Trial
    Lastly, we created the best content types for each stage of the marketing funnel


    • Creation of Blogs and publishing informative blog posts
    • Sharing electrical tools analysis reports
    • Sharing industry research

    Consideration stage

    • case studies
    • expert guides
    • whitepapers

    Decision-making stage

    • reviews
    • product comparisons
    • demos
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