A Doco Pet Shop




Organic Boost on Website Traffic

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Maximised Website’s Authority

About the client

Docopet Shop is a budding pet products provider in the competitive eCommerce space. They are looking for a valuable digital marketing agency to enhance their online visibility and drive more relevant traffic to the website. As the market is increasing, it's challenging for new players to establish and secure their presence and attract potential customers without a robust online presence.

Problem Statement

  • The Docopet shop was experiencing low website traffic, limited customer engagement, and sales conversions. The website struggled to attract potential visitors organically.
  • The client’s website ranked poorly on relevant keywords associated with pet products. It was becoming potential customers to locate the brand, leading to potential customers discovering it.
  • As Docopet was new in the market, its low domain authority hindered its ability to compete against well-established websites. The lack of qualitative backlinks and online credibility also contributes to the challenges of gaining consumer trust.
  • The website needed to be optimized appropriately, which led to a high bounce rate and low engagement. These factors slow page loading time, confuse navigation structuring and raise problems while driving potential customers.

Technologies Used

Google Analytics
Google Search Console
Google Pagespeed Insights
Tiny PNG
Google Pagespeed Insights
WP Super Cache
Varnish Cache

Our SEO Solutions

Website Optimization

We focused on the page load speed and utilized diverse tools and analysis to improve the page load times. We included the optimized images, reduced server response, leveraged browser caching, and promoted a faster user experience.

On-Page SEO

We conducted an in-depth audit of existing meta tags and content. Each page needs relevant keywords, requiring engaging titles, compelling meta descriptions, and clicking from search engine results (SERPs).

Off-Page SEO

We acquired high-quality backlinks from reputable sources through guest blogging, collaborations, and outreach to maximize the site’s authority. We also improved the local citation, elevating visibility, boosting local search results, and enabling crucial e-commerce businesses.

Building Domain Authority

We focused on improving a website's domain authority, conquering greater credibility, and increasing trustworthiness in the online space. We gain domain ratings by accessing visibility and quality backlinks.

Optimizing User Experience

Site speed significantly improves user experience by reducing server response and optimizing the image. We analyzed accessibility, keyword targeting, or grouping similar pages.

Boost in Organic Search Traffic

We improved the local citations by improving them and using relevant local search keywords, which is crucial for eCommerce businesses to stand out.

The Result

Implementing effective strategies led us to drive substantial improvement in several performance metrics.

Traffic Growth

We increased traffic to 40,069, a noticeable reflection of a 152.1% boost.

  • Organic Search: 141,749 clicks (+234.7%)
  • Direct: 132,072 clicks (+206.0%)
  • Paid Search: 54,924 clicks (+66.7%)
  • Display: 51,787 clicks (+457.4%)
  • Referral: 7,444 clicks (+874.3%)
  • Organic Social: 1,790 clicks (+141.9%)
Clicks & Impressions
  • Total Clicks: 25,081, showing an impressive increase of 879.0%.
  • Impressions: 411,410 (+205.4%)
  • Query Count: 2,467 (+415.0%)
  • Average Position: Improved to 16.36 (+25.1%)
  • Sessions: Increased to 102,013 (+222.6%)
  • Engagement Rate: Maintained at 99.89% with a bounce rate of 45.99% (-20.1%)
Domain Authority
  • The site’s domain rating has increased significantly due to enhanced visibility and quality backlinks.
  • The number of backlinks has grown, establishing the site’s authority.
  • The website has begun to rank organically for keywords, widening the presence and the traffic sources.
  • The site’s domain authority has risen drastically, indicating greater credibility and trustworthiness

Traffic Growth

Clicks and Impressions

Clicks and Impressions

Clicks and Impressions




Docopet's challenges necessitated a strategic and multifaceted SEO approach, transforming the website’s health, performance, and optimization. Softtrix aids the website in participating competitively in the space, implementing targeted strategies, aiming for brand essentials, and improving overall web traffic, search rankings, and market presence.